Wildfire SEO and Internet Marketing

Roofer SEO

Better SEO For Roofers: A Brief Guide to Choosing Roofing Keywords

As a roofing business, you must optimize your site with proper keywords for better rankings in Google. Finding keywords for your website is especially true if you’re not working with an SEO service. Then you must know how to do your keyword research.


Finding Keywords for Your SEO

Start off by doing a little planning. Here you’ll want to write down all the services you offer including roof repair, metal roofing, torch-on roofing, and commercial roofing for instance. Also, determine who your primary target service area is, but keep it simple and realistic. Think about your address and the city you’re in. Your goal is optimizing a page for each service and location.

Once you’re armed with your list of words and locations, head over to Google’s keyword planner at https://adwords.google.com/KeywordPlanner. You’ll want to enter each of your keywords and phrases here. Make sure you change the location around with each of these. This way you’ll have multiple combinations of the same phrases – some with your address and others with the city’s name. Spend time scrolling through the list looking at what the most buyer-oriented keywords are based on search volume. Make sure each of them has at least 10 per month. Make a list of these keywords for yourself.

Add Your Keywords to Your Content

Now that you have a list of all your keywords it’s time you work them into your content, so you get better Google rankings. Getting your keywords into your content is where the real magic happens. You’ll want to create a different page for each of these keywords. Make sure you don’t overuse the keywords too as this is keyword stuffing, a practice Google frowns on. You only want to use the keywords on the service page they’re relevant to. As you do so, make sure you combine them with city phrases too. For instance, if you have the keyword phrase “best roofing company” and you’re in Vancouver, add the H tag and the phrase “Why we are the Best Roofing Company in Vancouver.”

Here you’ve learned how to find keywords. Optimization is another process in and of itself. However, you don’t want to rush into learning everything all at once. SEO is a process that takes time.

If your roofing company’s website needs help being found online, talk to the roofing SEO experts at Wildfire SEO and Internet Marketing today.


Wildfire SEO and Internet Marketing
311  6860 Rumble St.
Burnaby, BC. V5E 1A8

Phone: 1.888.880.5417

