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Wildfire SEO and Internet Marketing

essential features for websites

53 Essential Website Features for Local Business Owners

A successful business website is not just about great products and services. Many local websites only fail to attract customers because of subtle design flaws that can go unnoticed by an untrained eye. While generic web designing best practices work as a good starting point, to stand out from the crowd, your local business site needs some extra fine tunings.

I work for WebAlive, a web design company and we recently published an infographic that shows 53 essential features for local business websites. I think you’ll find this infographic to be a useful guide for designing or improving the site of your own.

The infographic begins with the crucial advice of having a cc TLD domain for your local business. Then it gives an outline of a conversion friendly homepage, providing a complete list of elements that it should have. Next, it suggests a page by page structure of the whole site, mentioning important elements that those pages should contain.

Apart from the design elements, the infographic goes into some of the technical aspects which will help in SEO and improve your site’s performance. These include the advice of including the Google search console and LocalBusiness schema – a crucial thing that most of the local business sites ignore. It also warns against some of the common bad practices that you should avoid.

Take a look at the infographic below to improve your local business website.



Contributed By: Aaron Gruenke foremost SEO , Website design and Internet marketing expert.